This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Weak ankles!

I don't know why, but my ankle has been driving me nuts lately!

I've always had kind of shotty ankles. Both are accident prone, but the one I had surgery on gives me problems even if I just do too much walking one day. So it's a little bit annoying. But it's been driving me extra nuts today even though I haven't done anything to it. Maybe that means it's going to rain soon.

It actually felt alright yesterday. And I didn't do too much. I actually even skipped my work out and went to sleep early because I had to be at work early today. Not that it mattered much because I couldn't sleep anyway. But still.

As soon as I get home I'm putting my ankle brace on. I'm not sure what this is going to mean for my workout tonight. I'll probably just walk tonight, that doesn't usually seem to bother it much. But then I don't usually get to work out Saturdays because I have friends over to play cards and they usually show up right after or even before the kids are in bed, which is typically when I do my exercises.

Of course, tonight is the first game Philadelphia is playing. I know it's only preseason but hot damn am I excited. I just want to see my Eagles play, preseason or not. I'm stoked. So of course, that sort of wipes out the treadmill thing since that's downstairs and my TV is upstairs...

Since I'm having ankle problems again I've decided that today I'm going to cover some workouts that are easy on your ankles or that help to strengthen them.

Exercises to strengthen weak ankles

  • Resistance bands
  • Using a resistance bend bend and twist your ankles around
  • Standing on one foot 
  • You could point your toes down for 30-60 second intervals, but doing so while putting pressure on them is even more affect. For example, stand on one foot and lean forward so your body is diagonal and rest against a wall while you do this so your ankle is being bent. 
  • While sitting cross one leg over the other, your ankle should be hanging in the air. Pretend your ankle is a pen and trace each letter of the alphabet with it.

Low impact on ankle exercises

  • Rowing machines or kayaking
  • Swimming or water aerobics
  •  Russian twist(Think about it, your feet aren't even touching the ground!)
  • Pilates
  • Leg raises (Still using your legs and working on your thighs without actually putting any strain on your ankles!)
  • Most resistance training
  • Punching bag (Actual boxing requires a bit more leg and foot action but you can throw some punches without a huge strain unless you're practically lunging into the punching bag...)
  • Scissor kicks
  • Almost any kid of arm workout
  • Pull ups

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