This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The bedding debate!

This is nothing really work out related. But oh well.

I tend to obsess over things. I mentioned yesterday that my work out was moving the kids' rooms around. Well this creates a whole new problem of course.


Wyatt's original room was turtles and frogs. Turtles are my favorite and I wanted his room to be anything but  Winnie the pooh, cars, or some sort of sport since they are the most common bedroom themes for little boys!

What's hilarious is when we moved to the apartment he got a cars room instead lol. The whole bedding set was given to us and cars seemed more like something he could grow into so when we moved this is what we did.

Even more ironically when we moved into the house he got a winnie the pooh room! When we first moved into the apartment we didn't have cable at first so we watched some movies and he got addicted to winnie the pooh. And I do mean addicted. I had a roommate and even he was started to quote the movie word by word as it played! My aunt had a boy 7 years prior and gave me all of their winnie the pooh stuff so again. No cost to us, it's just funny I said I never wanted him in cars or pooh and he was in both!

I was 17 when I got pregnant with Wyatt and I had a really hard time connecting with my pregnancy, I told Travis from the moment we found out we were expecting that I was keeping him (which he said "Well duh") but even still I debated the entire pregnancy whether or not it was the right thing to do, though I never looked into adoption, I did consider it sort of like a back thought. I picked a crib and bedding set and we argued over names and contemplated baby shower dates, but I was never really certain. When I found out he had a cleft lip I was terrified I would be embarrassed about how he looked and everything like that. I was incredibly depressed, and my boyfriend cheating on me while I was pregnant certainly didn't help matters.

It was an entirely different story with Sawyer though. I wanted Sawyer from the start, actually I even tried (once only) to get pregnant with Sawyer and then immediately came to my senses and told Travis we were never doing that again. But surprise! I got pregnant from that one time. With Sawyer I was excited. We were out on our own, I knew he had a higher risk of a cleft (Wyatt's was spontaneous) but I decided I was ready for it either way. I knew I would love him. And I decided I wanted his room to have a nautical theme. I got so into it, we bought a navy blue crib sheet, the curtains, and a few other odds and ends. But I actually handmade a lot of his stuff. It really, really, helped me to bond with Sawyer while I was pregnant.

BUT ANYWAY! So currently Wyatt has a Winnie the Pooh bedding and stuff and Sawyer still has the nautical things and now they need to have something that matches!

Why do they need something that matches you may ask? I don't friggin know but they DO!
So here is what I'm thinking.

Wyatt really loves Disney/Pixar Cars, we happen to have a cars bed floating around at my mom's house that my aunt gave us and a race car carpet. I could do their room in cars.

Wyatt also loves Toy Story. I could do their room in toy story, I could give Wyatt a Woody bedspread and Sawyer a Buzz one so they wouldn't actually have the exact same thing and then I could paint their names yellow with blue around the edges like in toy story and then get some toy story type decor.

I could do any sort of sport, I could do regular like actual cars, I could do dinosaurs, dinosaurs are awesome!

I think I am however leaning towards superheros though. They'll probably like super heros until they're like 12, so that would be a good one. They could each have a different superhero. But how would I decide which to do their bedding in? Wyatt lives batman and spiderman!

But I'm actually already pretty excited about it. I've already started looking up a bunch of DIY things. Because, I mean, I have sooo much free time to do that sort of stuff again. Lol. I don't know how or when I'd get it done, but I really enjoyed doing so much for Sawyers room and I had uber bragging rights over everything that was hand made.

I'll probably update again when I'm working out. Though I haven't quite decided if I want to spend my evening walking back up and down the stairs tonight or on the treadmill. Maybe I'll even break the DDR mats out, of course it's difficult to blog and DDR at the same time. So we'll see what happens!

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