This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I'm going to be feeling this one tomorrow...

So here's the story, I have a three bedroom house that I'm renting. The first room was Wyatts, the second (which is actually considered a "bonus" room as it's connected to the third room and doesn't have heat ((well technically there is a heater right beside the archway but it's on the other side so technically considered to be heat for the other room)) and is superrr small) is my room and the third master room is Sawyers room. I did it this way because sawyer was still waking like four times a night so it made more sense to me to have my room connected to his than for wyatt and I put myself in the small room instead of sawyer because to get to the master room you have to go through the small room and I was worried if wyatt got up at night or early he'd wake up sawyer when he walked through the room to get me. And also, I'm paranoid and worried I wouldn't hear wyatt if he woke up and went downstairs if I was in the master.

Landlord said house was due to be inspected and since it is considered a two bedroom I moved my bed into Sawyers and made the "bonus" room their playroom/closet.

Because wyatt is still scared of his room and has been sleeping with me, since I was in Sawyers room, we have a three bedroom place and were all sleeping in one room! Lol. Today happened to be my day off so I decided to move everything back around.

Now that sawyer is sleeping all night I'm not worried about him waking wyatt and I actually really like them having a play room so I ultimately decided to put them in the same room (even though I was adamant about them having separate rooms when I was looking for a place lol). It makes more sense for their playroom to be connected to their room than mine and the master bedroom is obviously bigger and there's two of them and one of me so I decided that I would move them both in there, and move myself into Wyatts room.

What a stinking workout. I'm surprised how badly my ankle hurts (had surgery on it years ago, gives me problems sometimes but has been good.) I had to move my bed, head board, bed frame box spring, everything from under my bed (I have risers on it so I can fit lots of stuff under!) And my dresser from Sawyers room to Wyatts (now mine) along with my vanity, a small two drawer end table type dresser thing and tv from the play room to Wyatts(my) room. From wyatt (my) room I had to obviously move his bed and dresser and end table to Sawyers (their) room, I moved his two book cases and all of his books along with all of his toys including a big ballpit slide combo and play kitchen and other stuff to the play room. Then Sawyers dresser was also in the playroom and I moved that back into his (their) room.

The only thing I got help with was the mirror that sits onto of the vanity. The worst part was definitely Wyatts bed because it was a convertible crib I to a toddler bed and there was no way it would fit through the door I had to fight to get it semi apart so it could sort of collapse and definitely the vanity. I don't even want to know how much that thing weighs. Also, this wasn't hard, just tedious. Changing all the curtains around and also there were winnie the pooh decals on Wyatts walls taking all of them down and moving them to the play room was just annoying.

I didn't even finish organizing everything except the play room and at least got the furniture where I want it to be.

I got the best workout today. I'm betting I'm sore tomorrow. I know my ankle is killing me which is surprising since getting on the treadmill and yammering out two miles the past week hasn't bothered it much.  So I decided not to worry about working out tonight because I already did and I'm also pretty damn exhausted. I'm actually looking forward to work tomorrow so I can sit around and do nothing haha.

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