This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Belated weigh in, drama drama drama

I know I'm a little late for my weekly weigh in.

I did weigh myself Sunday though! I just didn't get time to update the blog.

I had a really good night Friday with Travis, and then a really bad night Saturday. It was a long night filled with him (literally) breaking into my house, me hiding his phone, his threatening to break mine, and a whole lot of yelling. Followed by me and the best friend with a whole lot of chips and laughing until we cried well into the middle of the night.

So Sunday I was a little exhausted! We came home from Grandma's and I just went the heck to sleep! Monday my grandmother had surgery. I'm going to ask anyone who happens to read this to keep her in your prayers. She had breast cancer, it will have been exactly five years tomorrow since they removed her breast. They found a cluster of lumps again and removed it yesterday. We are hoping it is just scar tissue or cysts or something, but won't get the biopsy results back for 7-10 days. Ugh. On top of that Travis just spring it on me that he wants the kids on weekends.

He has never taken them over night before. He usually watches them at my house, he's been unemployed for nine months and doesn't provide shit for them. But, he's not a bad father. Worthless provider, but when it actually comes to taking care of the kids and such I trust him. I know if we went to court he would get every other weekend anyway. So I told him once he got everything for the kids I didn't really see any reason he couldn't. Aside from the fact that I just plain don't want him to. But I'm selfish. I can count the number of times I've been away from the kids on one hand. Since Wyatt was born in May of 2011 I stayed away twice for my grandparent's funerals, they lived about three hours away and we went up for the viewing the first day, stayed the night, and attended the funeral the following day. I stayed away from Wyatt when I had Sawyer, and I let my mom keep them on my 21st birthday back in December. That's it. So I'm not emotionally ready to part with them for a whole weekend. I wasn't ready for Wyatt to attend two hours of preschool either, I'm just one of those crazy moms who actually enjoys her kids most of the time.

But I guess every other weekend wasn't good enough for him he wants them every weekend. So we got into this big whole thing, I tried to be reasonable, offered him every other weekend and one weekday (not over night) and he's not pleased with that so I guess we are going back to court. Which I'm actually pretty okay with. We have a written agreement for Wyatt, but then we got back together and had Sawyer, and I would kind of like to get something in writing for Sawyer too. And beside, if he takes me to court then at least I don't have to pay the filing fee this time lol.

I've still been reasonable though. Going through all there things and picking out the things I know he bought them. I even have a bunch of Steeler clothes that were given to me and I'm a die hard Eagles fan, he's a steelers fan so I'm even giving him the steelers clothes and hats and stuff. They don't do me any good sitting around. Up until this point in their life I believe he has bought the kids four shirts maybe, a pair of pants, a hoodie, a hat, and them books and toys for birthdays and Christmas's. Everything else has been from me and my family. So I think my giving him a few shirts and hats he didn't have any part of is a pretty nice thing for me to do!


So I've been pretty tied up the last few days, and pretty exhausted. 

After the break in and screaming match with Travis my anxiety levels have been through the roof! When my anxiety was really reaching hectic levels I took to the treadmill and instantly felt better! Of course right now I'm at work and they sort of frown upon the employees taking jobs around the office so I'll just have to suffer until I get home. 

So onto the weigh in....

If you'll recall last week I weighed 178 and some odd decimal I don't actually remember off the top of my head.

This week I was hopeful to have lost maybe one pound. I have eaten pretty well this week. Minus one day I floured and fried my chicken in vegetable oil. It was pretty good though. And on Friday Travis cooked and I didn't count the calories, but they probably weren't great. An Italian sausage with spaghetti sauce and motzerella cheese and spaghetti. And then Saturday night after the episode with Travis Nicole and I (Nicole is my weight loss buddy and best friend, she sacrificed for me!) ate a bunch of chips and an ice cream sandwich. 

I worked out most days, but not every day. I didn't Friday or Saturday and I can't remember if I did Sunday or not. So it wasn't a bad week but it wasn't a great one either. I was hopeful to have lost a pound of two.

So when I stepped on the scale and it read 174.4 I was a little skeptical. So skeptical that I moved the scale all around the kitchen thinking maybe it was on a warped spot on the floor or something. My mom stepped on the scale and verified it's accuracy. Still, I'm very, very doubtful that I had lost four pounds. I'm thinking last week I might have weighed myself closer to when I ate lunch so I hadn't processed those calories yet, where as this week I went a little later.

I know you're supposed to weigh yourself at the same time every day, and I would do it first thing in the morning except my scale isn't accurate and my floors aren't level. I don't go to my moms at the same time every day, we go over after Sawyer's nap and sometimes he naps until noon, and other days until two. So there is a little bit of flexibility there.

Now next week because the weight was so low this week, I'm expecting to stay about the same weight, hopefully drop at least a pound. I didn't work out last night so we'll see how well the rest of the week goes. Tuesdays there is a show on I like to watch around the time I usually work out, so instead of hitting the treadmill or breaking out the DDR mat I usually do a lot of stretching, things like lunges or jump rope, and then during the entire commercial break I walk up and down the stairs until it comes back on.

I'm feeling pretty excited about my fitness journey. If the 174.4 was correct I've lost about 16.6 pounds now, 3.4 more pounds and I'm buying myself a new pair of shoes! I love it!

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