This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Skinny shaming and fat bashing

Skinny shaming and fat bashing.

Let's just get one thing straight, both of those are fudged up, knock that shit off. You ladies especially!

When you see someone horribly over weight you immediately think they're gross. You don't consider the possibility that they have a medical condition that prevents them from losing weight, maybe they were recently in an accident and bed ridden for some time, or possibly that they've already lost a great deal of weight? Or how about the fact that maybe they're just the nicest person you'll ever meet. The person you're mocking might volunteer with seniors, they might donate oodles of money, maybe they foster children from bad lives.

But all you see is someone who is fat. Someone who because they are fat must be unhealthy? If they are over weight they must just have no self control.

I have sat and watched someone chow down on a bag of doritos while exclaiming how fat people don't take care of their bodies. I've watched someone add m&ms and peanut butter to an entire box of mac and cheese and eat it (don't even get me started on how gross that is!) And later in life talk about how over weight individuals have "no self control." I've heard that working out is so great why don't fat people just do it?

And then I've also heard the snickering as someone heavier jogs around the block. I've watched someone over weight buy a diet soda and heard the comment "if she wanted a diet she should have skipped the big mac!"

It's seriously disturbing that a heavy set woman in a bathing suit is referred to a whale sighting! If you put on a "fatkini" you are being disrespectful because "no one wants to see that."

People who fat bash are usually people who think they are the bees knees, usually who think they'll never get fat, or really insecure people.

And then there is skinny shaming.

Far less talked about, but just as bad. There are some who try desperately to gain weight. Some who really just cant. There are medical conditions that cause people to be underweight too.

My cousin for example. His throat was too small to ear a lot of foods. He thought he had allergies to practically everything because it felt like his throat closed up when he ate, especially meats. Come to find out (almost in his 30s) that his throat was just really narrow! They stretched it out and he put on a good deal of weight in a small chunk of time because for God's sake he could actually EAT!

Calling someone a "skinny bitch" or telling them to "eat a sandwich" is just as immature as calling someone a whale and suggesting they order a salad. It's rude, and it hurts.

There are a lot of people who are skinny and like their body, there are a lot of people who are fit and work hard for their body, and then there are people who get to hear all the time how boys like something to grab onto, how stick figures are disgusting, how curvy girls are best.

People who skinny shame are usually bigger people who are jealous and insecure of their own weight. Sometimes these people are even people who were fat bashers forty pounds ago.

Here's the thing. I don't care if you're skinny, curvy, fat, or fucking shaped like a square. You are a person first. Your weight? It's just a number that pops up on a scale. It. Does. Not. Define. You. Confidence is beautiful, putting others down is ugly. I think healthy is sexy. Does that sound condescending? No because there are plus sized people with more endurance in their pinky fucking toe than I have in my whole body. There are plus sized models who work out daily, dancers who shake their size 11 asses off, and a man pushing 300 pounds in his 60s with a heart as strong as a 20 year olds. That shit is sexy to me. Healthy is sexy.

Quit being a judgemental, inconsider, jealous, or just down right rude person. Next time you are judging someone I dare you to just say hello to them. Introduce yourself, shake their hand maybe, if for one second you can take a walk in their shoes, and THEN form an opinion of them.

Nobody wins when everyone's losing.

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