This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My ghost story.

Want to know something pretty nifty? I'm writing this post from my treadmill. Well, my cell phone technically as I'm on the treadmill. See I work out daily but never use my treadmill because I hate running and I think walking on it is boring. So I'm trying to keep myself entertained as I do a half hour of cardio.

I don't actually want to write about my fitness journey tonight because I didn't plan any tips tonight and I don't have that much new to report. A few posts ago I mentioned my toddler being terrified of the upstairs and some suspected haunting happening in my house and said I'd go more into that's later.

It's been some months since I've had any hoopla and almost a year since I moved in so I'm going to try to get this in order but I will probably leave something out.

First off, if you aren't a believer in ghosts you might as well exit the blog now. For the first 9 years of my life we lived with my grandma and her house was haunted. So I grew up around ghosts, they are something I'm very interested in, something that sometimes gives me the weebie jeebies but that I can't get enough of. In my grandma's house there is an old lady and another spirit upstairs we've never actually seen. The old lady usually resides in my grandma's room, typically by the second closet (big house, two closets in one room) but could also be caught a lot of late nights rocking in a rocking chair at the end of the hall. Typical old lady ghost, long ruffled white dress and a bonnet. Not all too interesting, just present. The Ghost upstairs was more interesting though. The house is seriously big, the attic is actually three additional bedrooms. The middle bedroom is the one this spirit resides in. It usually just walks the hallways up in the attic and for some reason is also partial to a closet. If you put things too close to the closet they are likely to go missing, get bent, or our favorite get thrown across the dammed bedroom. I think it's a good spirit as well, mischievous but friendly. We were playing in one of the attic rooms once when we were young that was being used as storage and knocked two mattresses over and I got stuck behind them. Cue 4 year old and 6 year olds freaking out. My sister was trying to move the mattresses and couldn't, and then all of the sudden they did and we flew the fuck out of that room. Could be a number of explanations but I have my suspicions on a little bit of help.

But anyway, that's my grandmother's house, and we want to talk about mine.

To be honest I'm not sure exactly when I suspected we had a guest. It was just simple things really like the baby following things around the room with his eyes and smiling and laughing. What kind of baby doesn't do that sort of stuff? Wyatt started getting up around 3 in the morning and coming into my room, i just figured it was the new house and let it go. It was in Wyatts room. I don't know why I asked but one day Wyatt (the at the time 2 and a half year old) as usual kept staring across the room while we were reading at bed time. I don't know why but I asked him if someone was there  and he freaked out. This is when he started insisting on sleeping in my room full time.

The activity was typically just in Wyatts room at this point we really just started leaving him room alone, it stemmed into the bathroom (can you say awkward) and the hallway as well. I wasnt really in Sawyers room for long periods so i dont know whether it ever breeched into his as well. I never felt uncomfortable, like scared, but I definitely felt something. Sawyer thought whatever it was was hilarious, Wyatt on the other hand was terrified.

We moved into the house in September, Christmas eve eve I was sitting downstairs wrapping presents and some of the presents beside me waiting to be wrapped started going off. I might have brushed it off if it was only one. This was the first time anything happened downstairs.

One night Wyatt and I were laying in my bed. He was asleep and I was facing him with my back to the room. I heard, and felt, someone just blow onto my back. I insisted to myself that I was just crazy, I knew I felt it but I was so not in the mood for this shit tonight.

Things started going missing, like a lot of things. I'll list a few, in no particular order. These were in between other random happenings but rather than try to remember the exact order I'll just share some of the missing stuff. One of the first things was my mom's bracelet. It was one of those charm bracelets that you pay like $20 for one stupid bead, I thought the bracelet was stupid anyway but it was the first to go missing. Right off her wrist! At the time we thought it just slipped off when she was playing with the boys but it still hasn't been found. Another thing was my bras. I had not bought myself new bras since I bought nursing bras three years earlier when I was pregnant with Wyatt. I was in need. So I bought myself a few bras. I took one out of the bag and put it on and left the bag downstairs. Poof. Gone. A full bag full of bras. I searched, angrily, frantically, desperately. Still to this day have never found them. One of the most frustrating ones was my eyeliners. I had a tube in my purse, two in the bathroom, and one on my vanity and all disappeared at the same time, ten minutes before I was going to go to work. I looked on the bathroom floor, dumped my purse, all over the house. At this point a lot of things had gone missing and I was getting fed up with our guest and I cursed, ranted, raved, and threatened. In return over the next week I had one tube reappear at a time, like I was being teased. Another time my best friend came over, took a pair of socks out of her purse and set them on the arm of my couch while she went and put on sweatpants. Poof. Gone. They ended up showing back up one at a time as well, even though they had been balled together when set down.

I have no clue what happened here. Wyatt was doing very well potty training, I even have the sticker charts to prove it. I was at work and my mom was with them, she was in the bathroom and he was in the doorway and she said all of the sudden his face went completely pale and he just started saying NO. After that he didn't even want to go upstairs at all. To potty, to bath, to go to bed, anything.

I was running the vacuum one day and it just shut off. It didn't come unplugged. I don't have a vacuum that has an on and off button, it's literally a switch, and it was literally switched off. It was more annoying than anything.

I was concerned, because a lot of the action happened in Wyatts room, and the night it blew on my back Wyatt was in my bed, I started to worry that this thing was attached to Wyatt. Then I also thought that I was always in Wyatts room when these things happened, I was the one it blew on, I was alone a lot of night when toys would go off. Was it attached to me? Or perhaps just wondering the house and toying around with whatever it could.

I would hang something up, turn around and do something and when I turned back around again it would be on the floor. This would happen three or four times before I screamed "STOP!" And it wouldn't fall again.

Things seemed to be happening a lot more. And they were getting more annoying and I would even say gutsy. Things going missing could be easily explained. One night Wyatt was brushing his teeth and I went into his room to get his pajamas and turn on his lights. He was sleeping in his room again but with a night light and wouldn't go in without the lights on. I walked through his room and turned on one of the lights that are on top of his bookcase. Then I started to go back to the bathroom right when I was at the doorway I heard music. Turned around and a bunch of books were on the floor (books from the bookcase the lamp I just turned on rests on!) And sitting perfectly flat between two lumps of books and opened to the first page was one of those "record your voice" books playing music. Now the book falling open would be one thing, but for all the books to fall and me not to hear a thump? What made them fall? Why wasn't the voice book part of a pile of books, that they were separated to give this one an open space? It makes no sense.

My mom borrowed one of those machines that are supposed to read....I forget what it's even called. But anyway it's a meter and if it goes past I think 60 there's supposedly a ghost or you're too close to an electric source. Around my tv or a wall it would usually go up a bit. But in Wyatts room it legitimately went past 2-friggin-thousand. No where else in the house would it even pass two hundred, even on top of the microwave when it was running. So I was silly one day and downloaded an app that was supposedly a communicator. I'm sure it's a lot of bologna, but I was using it *ahem* while taking a shit and it said "girl, bathroom. Rachel." And obviously my name is Rachel and I was like okay. It went through stuff in my phone. Then It said "Sarah Elizabeth" which is my sister but no where in my phone do I have her full name. I got into the bath tub and I was still doing it and it said "Look down. Travis" and travis was down stairs with the kids. And then it kept saying "aqua, aqua, aqua, aqua" and I never used it again.

I was incredibly fed up at this point. Curious still, my religious side claimed there were no such thing as good ghosts, my other side reasoned that I grew up around ghosts that were good, but the most important side of me, the mothering side, knew my son was scared. My house was no longer exciting or interesting. It was exhausted. I remember specifically one day I was in front of a full length mirror finishing up getting ready for work and there was an empty can of formula on the ground. In the mirror I could clearly see the can rolling in the reflection and I could hear the sound of the scooper inside moving around inside. I turned around and it stopped instantly. I was so mad. I stupidly challenged it. I don't remember exactly what I said. I know I said "you want me to know you're hear so bad well you have my attention move it again!" But nothing happened. I'm not sure which would have been worse, that it didn't move, or if it would have.

I finally reached my breaking point. See I was torn, because I like ghosts. I'm interested in ghosts, I never felt threatened, Sawyer though whatever it was was funny but Wyatt was terrified. I had asked it once to maybe just stay in the basement or be invisible and quiet because it scared wyatt and it was quiet for about three days. But the night I reached my breaking point Wyatt was in his room sleeping, he had been sleeping through the night again for a few weeks, almost a month even. Around midnight he woke up crying. I was still awake and downstairs, so I went up. He was obviously scared and I wasn't going to force him to stay somewhere he was scared. So I gave him kisses and told him to come to mommy's room. We went through his room and I opened the door and he stopped in his tracks and stared into the hallway and then he just lost it. He wanted up and was screaming no and pointing frantically that he wanted to go back to his bed. He eventually fell back asleep holding my hand and i went back downstairs. He woke up crying again and this time went into my room, and then back to his room, and then back to my room. He was just terrified. And I was at my Witts end. I laid with him and told him how much I loved him and how I'd never let anything hurt him and that our house was a protected house and that God and Jesus wouldn't let anything hurt him and they were stronger than any scary thing we meet. And here is where i had it  officially. Done. As i was telling him about God and Jesus something promptly got very loudly stuck in my fan. (I sleep with a fan every single night.) I got out of bed and gave my fan a little wiggle thinking it was probably just like something got sucked in, and my dammed fan breaks. My fan that I need to sleep with every night! By this point in the (I guess we'll call it this) haunting j already had my four bibles spread throughout the house, had religious pendants hanging on both ends of Wyatts bed and I wore (still do, have since I found God) my criss necklace daily.

I had already been planning on cleansing the house but my curious side had kept me at bay a little. My aunt had a friend who liked to ghost hunt and I was planning on investigating the house and then cleansing it. After that night and an infinite load of research I was done. Someone had already given me sage, I took my sage, and I took my Bible, and I walked the house repeating that this was a house of God, that we were protected by the Lord and this thing was not welcome here. It was terfifying. I watch too many scary movies, I was expecting the house to shake, windows to break, lights to flicker. But nothing happened. Not a single thing.

It's been a fee months. I think it was March when I cleansed the house. We've done it again, just for good measure. But it's all been quiet since then. So that's the story. Believe it if you want or not. I have one picture, where there is clearly a face behind wyatt in a window. But to be honest, I actually don't know if it's real or not so I won't share it here. The only one who would have had access to my phone and wanted to freak me out would be travis and his friends when I'd give the kids a bath or something I'd leave my phone down there. Everyone insists they didn't mess with it and the picture had been the talk of my family and coworkers for weeks. If anyone is actually interested I can send it in a private email, and if someone could actually give me answers as to the realness of the picture that'd be great. My sister is a graphic designer and she couldn't tell, my mom searched to find a similar picture like the one in the picture that could have been edited into it but didn't find one. My mom and uncle insist it looks like their father who recently passed but I don't see it and I hardly knew the guy, no reason for him to visit me.

Oh by the way, I did 45 minutes of cardio instead of 30 being distracted with this thing. Hurrah.

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