This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

How to not eat what you want to eat, those pesky cravings!

So you decide you want to diet? Monitor your calories, grams of fat, maybe even sugars, and you do great all day. Suddenly, as the sun begins to set and the cravings start rolling in you find you have no choice but to toss your great day aside and binge eat literally everything you can get your hands on!

Yes, that's me. I am the 9 o'clock binge eater. I think I may actually need help. Two nights ago I came home, had a mini powerdered donut, far more than the suggested serving size of nachos and chips, and then shoveled the remaining french fries from Wyatt's dinner in my mouth. Followed promptly by self hate and loathe.

I think it's safe to say that I've not done too great on my diet this week in general. My goal for this week isn't even to lose any weight, I just don't want to gain any! It's been that bad. And my whole damn house has caught some sort of bug, we've all been up all hours of the night coughing, and (for Sawyer) crying. Last night I was so tired I decided I wasn't even going to work out (since I normally do it following putting the boys to bed.)! Of course, someone was awake until after 2 in the morning anyway so so much for the sleep idea.

Oh well, we've talked about having bad diet days, I guess sometimes you have bad diet weeks. Next week I'm planning on making veggie pizza for a friend's birthday, so of course there's a ton more of bad days coming next week, I'll eat that stuff until I get sick it's soo good. Don't worry, I'll be sure to share the recipe soon.

So here's some helpful tips at how to not eat what you want to eat!

Avoid the weak moments.

You are much more likely to fall victim to the dreaded cravings if you aren't taking care of yourself. For example, if your body is feeling drained, if you aren't eating enough or getting enough sleep you're more likely to fall victim to these cravings. Also, seeing the foods is the quickest way to make yourself want them. 

Don't keep it in the house.

If you don't want to see the bad foods, simply don't keep them around. Granted, there will be times when you will be other places and come across them and then it all comes down to will power. If I get Wyatt, Sawyer, and myself a snack and eat mine, after they go to bed if their snack is still sitting out I'll pick at it unless I throw it away asap. Last night I had to throw out the rest of my nacho cheese because I COULDN'T STOP. It's like a sickness I think. Anyway, I'm not a mean mom, I still get the kids snacks. I want them to eat healthy too of course but I don't think a cookie here and there is going to kill them. So I usually buy a pack a month of something I don't like. I'm not a fan of chocolate so there's a lot of opportunities there for them.

Remind yourself why you don't want it.

Seriously, just go read all the nutritional values. If it says "1 oz 130 calories" (as my tortilla chips claimed) and you happen to have a scale you measure that shit out. Gasp! That's not even a third of what you would have eaten! And now you're horrendously disgusted by this snack. Think of how great you did all day. Look back at any before pictures you have and picture yourself getting back to that weight if you eat the one damn ounce....

Give yourself the twenty minute rule.

Twenty minutes. Don't set a timer because when it goes off it'll just remind you of your craving. But go do something else to keep yourself busy. Working out for example, would be a great one. If twenty minutes go by and you still want those darn tortilla chips then I guess your cravings have won for the night.

Drink a full glass of water.

Not sure if this is actually something healthy for you to do or anything, but it works for me. I chug a whole glass of water. Immediately I feel bloated and gross (similarly to how I do after shoveling all those chips in my mouth...) and the thought of food is just a big hell no.


If you're looking for something sweet or sugary try a half cup of strawberries. If you want chocolate you're probably lacking in your diet, eat some nuts. Need something salty and crunchy? Speared pickles. No really, they are one of my go to craving kickers. There's only 5 calories in one spear. For some reason popsicles are the one thing that always seem to make me happy. At 25 calories per pop and 0 grams fat what could go wrong?

And if all else fails, you fall victim to the cravings, at least try to work them off and remember that tomorrow you can do better. I don't care if you have a bad diet day, or a week, or even a month, it's never a bad day to be healthy.

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