This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

I am beautiful

Doesn't look like I'll be posting a weigh in this week. I typically go to my mom's to weigh myself on Sundays but not headed over there. So I guess it will have to wait.

I can't say as I'm too terribly disappointed though. I didn't work out almost this entire week, nor have I gotten a whole lot of sleep. Been up until almost 1 in the morning every night doing something or other.

Between the going away party for a co worker, a birthday, the veggie pizza I made and a cookout with the family, I'm not so sure I would have lost this week and I really am not ready to see my numbers climbing.

But thats the great part about dieting though isn't it? Every day is another day fresh, another chance to do it right. And even if i might have gained a pound or two (please not more! Lol) I'm feeling pretty optimistic.

The other thing is, I'm feeling really confident too. I know I'm not at my ideal weight, but I know I'm beautiful no matter what weight I'm on. The choices I make in life, the children I raise, my relationship with God, and the closeness of my family, it all makes me beautiful. I'm beautiful so long as I realize it.

Granted I haven't washed my hair today, my face is breaking out, I'm bloated from my period and I'm wearing the same sweat pants as yesterday I might not look so hot right at this exact moment. But I am beautiful.

I realize I've been a little less active this week than I have in the past but I have had my hands full. While my sons' father has been unemployed for almost a year I am on the verge of getting a second job just to be able to keep renting our house! Potty training Wyatt is going very well, he thinks big boy pants are awesome because they have cars, toy story, or Thomas the tank on them so he's been wearing underwear for the past two days. So proud of him.

I finally got a full night of sleep last night for the first time all week and I'm looking forward to a good work out tonight.

I realize it has been five years since my last trip to Ricketts Glen and that is not okay. If you've never been to Ricketts Glen you a severely missing out. It's a really long hiking trail where you get to see and climb in under or on top of a ton of water falls. One of my goals is actually to be in shape enough to handle the trip again. The whole trail I believe is seven miles and it's stunning. Right now I think it I tried it I would probably die. I'm hoping by September or early October I would be able to handle the trail again. It's one of my favorite places ever. Very unique. If you ever get the chance take it.

This last week has definitely set me back a bit but I actually enjoy working out so I'll get back on track I'm sure.

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