This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


I have so many things to blog about, so many different exercises, so many helpful hints and recipes! But I don't want to blog overload, so I'll start pretty simply. What I'm doing, or rather, what I've done and what I've basically learned so far.

First off, you did not gain all of this weight over night, it will not come off that way either. The healthiest weight loss is typically between 1-2 pounds a week. That may not seem like very much but this is one pound of fat.

No seriously. Are you still made you only lost one pound this week? Every pound you lose is another pound stronger you are. And isn't that what this is all about? Becoming the best, and strongest, healthiest, and sexiest you you can be?

So I said that so far I've lost ten pounds? I should reword this, last month I lost six pounds. We went to the beach for a week and I didn't gain or lose any weight, and then the following two weeks I didn't lose anything. Last week I lost four pounds.

"Wait, I thought that you said you should only lost 1-2 pounds a week? You lost four? What's up with THAT!?"

1-2 pounds is a great accomplishment! But it's not a limit. If you are exercising, and eating properly and you happen to lose more, congratulations! Also remember the heavier you are the easier the first pounds come off. The further into this the harder you will have to work at your weight loss. Do not be discouraged. This is about more than just losing weight, to truly be fit, and healthy, it is a lifestyle change.

It is going to be a challenge, but if you push yourself too hard you're going to hurt yourself. For example, as stated I went to the beach and didn't work on my weight and remained the same, the following week I had a case of post-vacation-itis. Yes, in severe cases it may be fatal. Basically I ate and did what ever I felt like eating and doing for that week, and also by the grace of God did not gain any weight. The following week I was ready to get back in the grind!

I bought my jump rope and for that entire week I would work my ass off. I jumped rope twice a day and had a nice mild yoga session both before and after each jump rope session. This amounted to me sitting on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on one leg, and frozen tator tots on the other. Every night. For an entire week. I was literally so excited to weigh myself I could hardly stand to wait until Sunday!

When Sunday rolled mom had lost eight pounds without even trying. And I had not lost a single pound! Needless to say, I was not, and am still not, happy for her. Before it was a nice reality call for me. I had practically killed myself. You don't just wake up one day and decide to run a marathon! Everyone has to start out somewhere, and I was starting way out of my league.

Which is why the following week I merely added jump rope into a decent exercise routine. I never do more than one song, so give or take roughly around three minutes. This is when I found dumbbells were my new best friends. And again, I over shot myself. "The five pound ones are too easy. I'm going to use the 8 pound ones and do as many different things as I can possibly think of and do as many as I can possibly handle!"

Uh, no.

I do most of my routines, which I will talk more about tomorrow, with the 5lb weights for now. I do either 10 or 15 reps, depending on how sore I am, if I feel energetic and do them in the morning and at night time I only do 10. I have a few core exercises I do along with jumping jacks, high knees, and lunges, and then I do another set with the dumbbells.

One day you're going to work out and realize the work out you just did today you struggled with two weeks ago. And you're going to feel awesome. The other thing I did last week, which was my first week was counting calories, that, I will also go into on another post. I don't want to make any huge large posts and scare anyone off.

So I'll just say that today I am on day 11 of my calorie counting and exercise regiment. The changes are actually pretty big considering it hasn't been very long so far. First off, my poop sinks. No, I mean literally, that isn't some sort of strange metaphor you don't get. My poop sinks, a diet higher in fat results in floating bowel movements. Crazy isn't it? Second off, my collar bones. I think collar bones are one of the sexiest parts on a persons body and I can actually see mine some. Which is a big deal to me. I originally noticed a picture and thought I had dirt on my chest, I was actually annoyed about this until later when I realized (looking in the mirror) it was actually my collar bone! I feel better all over. I have anxiety issues and have actually been less stressed lately, I even feel more confident. It's crazy because it's hardly a noticeable difference, actually, it's not a noticeable difference but I already feel better about myself. I even actually look forward to stepping on the scale, whereas before it was a dark looming cloud. Now I'm excited to see my progress of the week.

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