This blog

This is my journey. My journey of changing my lifestyle to that of a healthier one. This is the journey of a young single mother setting out to lose weight and also to become the best version of herself possible. This is one person doing things the right way. Losing weight and becoming healthy with no gimmicks, no weight watchers, atkins, crash diets, crazy pills or wraps, not even a gym membership. This is not about temporary fixes, but about a lifestyle repair. This could be the story of your next door neighbor, the girl at the park in the mom jeans, the woman you just judged walking with two little boys in each hand, I'm your average everyday Jane, and this is my journey. Becoming a new me. The right way.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Breaking the diet

I had actually planned on posting a big long spiel about the importance of drinking water and everything with this post, but after last night I decided I had something better to post.

 Breaking the diet.

It will happen. At some point, some day, some way, you will break the diet. The extent of your diet break obviously is up in the air, but it will be broken. Maybe you'll decide to go out one weekend and have a few to many, maybe it's a birthday and you're going to indulge in a slice of velvet cake, maybe you might just be bored and hungry and say eff it. Now one of three things is going to happen when your diet is broken.

First, the plates in the Earth can shift below your feet causing a horrible earthquake and shattering the ground below you causing you to fall to your death and burn in hell.
Second, and more likely, you could figuratively fall off the wagon and give up on your diet all together.
Or thirdly, absolutely nothing.

Last night I decided after having a botched dinner, chicken and alfredo noodles well over my calorie limit, I decided my day was already ruined anyway and helped myself to a helping of tortilla chips and nacho cheese. Might not have been so bad if I had only had one serving...I'm not going to tell you how much I helped myself to. (three helpings) The moral of this story of course is that the earth did not split beneath me. I'm not writing this post from hell, I swear. 

I have been guilty of number two a few times. This is not my first diet rodeo. It starts with one thing. I tell myself "I've been good, I deserve it." Which, don't get me wrong, I totally do. One time. But then this excuse continues and continues. It wasn't until I started writing every calorie down that I realized that my 'occasional' treat for all my hard work was pretty much eliminating everything I have done for a month. There have been other times if on a Sunday or Monday I do poorly on my diet I shrug and declare this week "ruined." You can probably guess because I'm still fat now, I don't resume the following week.

Number three, nothing happens. I mean, obviously there's a lot going on internally to process all of the garbage I just inhaled, obviously you did consume more calories, obviously you aren't going to lose as much weight this week if you would have if you hadn't eaten that. But the main point here is that nothing life changing really happened.

I still recorded the calories in my log, I worked out twice as long last night. Usually I follow my routine but last night I added an hour of DDR before I did my routine and burned another 300+ of my (too many) chip calories. I still know I had a bad day and tonight I might drink some apple pie moonshine so tonight is kind of shot too. But I'l consider this as my cheat day instead of Sunday when I usually splurge. 

The really important part when you have a bad day and break your diet is to get back on it the next day. If you declare the week a waste and decide to get back on the train next week. Keep going! Next week when you decide to get back on the diet you're starting all over again! And for every day that week (or however long your break lasts) you are missing opportunities to change your life! Remember in one week I lost nearly four pounds! Something I surely couldn't have done if I decided "I'll get back on it next week."

Go ahead and wallow in how disgusting you are in this moment. Feel regretful about what you ate, go weigh yourself and assume you're instantly three pounds heavier (I promise you won't be) but after you're done with all of that go to sleep and wake up the next day fresh and starting your healthy living all over again. 

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